The Soviets mourned Kennedy’s death
Cuban exiles suggest Bay of Pigs was doomed to failure by design.
Classified document sent by Helms to then private citizen Allen Dulles about the upcoming conspiracy book. Was Dulles in charge of the cover-up?
Harvey’s HSCA interview where he discusses QJWIN and how to conduct an assassination.
Veciana appears to have resisted “CIA penetration” but was willing to meet with someone highly placed within the agency.
When Santos Trafficante threatened to kill Alpha 66’s Carlos Menoyo, the FBI alerted the U.S. Army, not the CIA
The counterintelligence apparatus of the U.S. Army, ACSI, advocated assassinating or kidnapping Castro.
Dorothe Matlack was hired as a liaison by the CIA from ACSI in 1958. This is two years before the official record suggests ACSI was created. Her mission: Track defectors.
Ed Lansdale’s and the CIA’s general council Lawrence Houston’s recollections of E. Howard Hunt.
HSCA notes on Hunt
Hunt obviously had a problem with safes.
Hunt was alleged to have conducted surveillance on Barry Goldwater during the 1964 presidential campaign.
Dave Morales was held in higher regard by the CIA than Hunt. He excelled at a “great number of miscellaneous activities that defy classification.”